Paper title:

A Literature Study on Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Mechanisms for Tandem Communication Networks

Published in: Issue 3, (Vol. 8) / 2014
Publishing date: 2014-10-30
Pages: 13-19
Author(s): RAGHAVENDRAN, CH.V. , SATISH G. Naga , SUNDARI M.V. Rama , VARMA P. Suresh
Abstract. Modeling and performance prediction are becoming increasingly important issues in the design and operation of computer communications systems. In this paper a review is carried out on how Tandem queuing models with Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation have been applied so far into the performance evaluation of Communication Networks. Queuing network models with finite/infinite capacity buffers and blocking have been applied as more realistic models of systems with finite capacity resources. First we review basic properties of exponential queuing systems, and then give an overview of recent progress made in the areas of dynamic bandwidth allocation for tandem queuing network models and performance measures.
Keywords: Queuing Models, Tandem Communication Networks, Dynamic Bandwidth, Feedback.

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51. CH.V. Raghavendran, G. Naga Satish, M.V. Rama Sundari, P. Suresh Varma, Performance Analysis of A Two Node Tandem Communication Network with Feedback, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology (G), Volume XIV Issue I, 2014

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